Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Groups Act

The signs and symptoms which people can recognize physical abuse is series of unexplained falls or major injuries. Injuries and bruises at different stages of leaning On adults' body such as having bruising in unusual sites- inner arms, thighs. Seeing fingerprints, abrasions on the head or face deliberately several times. When someone in shy, insecure but didn't used to be but may be a sign of physical abuse. Neglect- Neglect is one of the most common abuses.It is when person failures to provide necessary care, assistance, guidance or attention to the helpless, defenseless adult that can cause or is reasonable likely to cause the person physical, mental and emotional harm or substantial damage and or loss of assets. Financial abuse- This is when a person involves stealing money of people, not allowing a victim to take part in any financial decisions, preventing the victim from having a job. The form of abuse tends to happen in relationships. Sexual abuse: This abuse can range from ra pe to inappropriate touching of the body.Happens when someone is forcing someone to do something sexual that they may not want to engage in but are forced to otherwise there will be consequences. Emotional or psychological abuse: Often happens when a person who is being abused may also be threatened n order to keep them silent as if there not they could tell others and be found out. The victim may be told it's ‘our little secret' or that they will lose their accommodation if they tell anyone what has happened as it is often not a good thing happening to them.Victims often have continuous put-downs and name-calling in front of others, which often causes humiliation and loss of self-respect and pride in themselves as they often start to believe them. Such actions can lead to horrible things happening such as mental health; self harm, suicide. (UP) explain factors that may lead to abusive situations There are a range of factors that could lead to abusive situations. People who ar e abused are people who have something different about them to other people as some people may not view this as normal.Most commonly this could be something like skin color or where you are from, there culture or religion but really anyone who is different from what is seen as ‘normal'. A physical or mental disability or health problems can make someone vulnerable as they may think its k to happen to them. For example a person with a mental disability may not be capable of making responsible decisions or themselves and may make things easier to be abused in some way.Elderly people are vulnerable to from being fraud form people who want money and are often the targets Of telemarketing scams and other crimes. Young people and children can be easily lead with social media etc, a child could meet a ‘friend' online and not realist that they are really a bad person such as a photocopied posing as a child and go to meet this ‘friend' and get sexually abused in that way. B ullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person.Some of the ways they bully other people are by: calling them names, saying or writing nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, threatening them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging their things, hitting or kicking them, or making them do things they don ‘t want to do. People who are a different culture, color, background, religion etc can be discriminated against them, this can often lead to bullying and psychologically abuse the victim by insulting, tormenting, excluding them because of there well being.This can lead the victim to self-abuse or it can end up with the abuser hectically abusing them to gain more power over them and feel bigger and better than them by hitting, slapping and beating their victims. Another thing about abuse is gender, gender is also a factor that could lead to abuse. Typically women are seen to be the weaker sex and can generally be overpowered by a man meaning they are vulnerable and a bigger target for abuse. Sexual Abuse in any age is when a person has sexual contact between an adult or older teen and a child.This type behavior, is often wrong but is used to gain power over the child, person etc. There are many types of sexual buses, some include physical contact or touching offenses. MI) assess the likely immediate effects of two different forms of abuse on the health and well-being of adults Effects of sexual abuse: If an adult is still in a relationship with someone and are being sexually abuse by someone else may then cause friction between them as they may not believe what's happening.They may also find it difficult watching sexual scenes on the television or in movies and may freak out at this because of what happened and may not know how to explain it. A woman may also feel signal pain due to forced sexual intercourse, this could last for quite a while and can be very uncomfortable for the woman as they may not want to face up to what's happened. For a man being abused outside a relationship they might find erections problems.When being touched they might feel guilt, fear, anger, disgust or other negative feelings as they may feel that its going to happen again. .Ã'Å¡Ã'Å¡Effects of Bullying: CLC The experience of being bullied can end up causing lasting damage to victims. And this isn't often seen on the outside but inside the person. The person isn't have to be physical abused but even Words and gestures are quite enough to have a long lasting effect. People often will start to view themselves as a less than desirable, incapable individual.The first things also is that it becomes more likely that a person will become increasingly susceptible to becoming depressed and/or angry and/or bitter. Being bullied teaches you that you are undesirable, that you are not safe in the world, and (that you are relatively powerless to defend yourself because peo ple may start to believe it. DEL]Some people who are being or have been bullied may tart to self-harm and may have suicidal thoughts and feelings because of how it makes them feel.The person may be so fed up with the bullying and feel so worthless that they do not see the point in living anymore. Self- harming may be away of the person releasing their anger and pain. In the long-term they may find it difficult interacting with other people in the fear of something hurtful being said to them and will find it difficult trusting other people as previous people haven't trusted them. They may also have an increased tendency of wanting to be alone as they may feel that they are at sees risk of being bullied by others around them.UP) outline key legislation and regulations which govern safeguarding adult work The Disability Discrimination Act- 1995 but was later updated in 2005- This act tired to aim to put an end to disability discrimination which is aimed at the disabled in any different situations they may face in every day life and defined what disability may be- physical and mental The Mental Capacity Act 2005- The main aim of this act is to try and give help and empowerment to the vulnerable people who are unable to make any decisions by themselves thou people helping them for many reasons such as they may be suffering from a mental illness.Within the act it states who is able to make the decisions for them and it also allows people to people to plan ahead if one day in the future they would lose the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. The people who are able to make their decisions on their behalf are family, doctors and social workers.CLIP C]The Human Rights Act- This Act applies to everyone and the law requires everyone to be able to have each Of the different rights within the act some are; the right to life, the redeem from slavery and forced labor, the right to a fair trial, the right to respect for private and family life, the freedom to ex press yourself, the right not to be discriminated against in respected of these rights and freedoms, the right to vote when over a certain age, the right to have an education and to be able to challenge public bodies over discrimination.The Health and Social Care Act 2008- This act aims to make the public health and social care system better by providing mesas re's that will try shrinking the amount of diseases that gets bread around and control it if there is an out break of disease Download this essay Print Save L]Safe Guarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006- C]This act was set up for people who work with children/ young people and also come into care with vulnerable individuals that need to be registered so they can have the care they require.DC The independent safeguarding authority to be able for deciding who shouldn't be allowed to be working with people that are vulnerable. Act applies to employed people and volunteers Candy there are lists to be taken out for those working with hillier and adults and checks must take place before an individual can work with the vulnerable as they may make them worse. AS: Outline working strategies and procedures used in Health and Social Care to reduce the risk of abuse.Recruitment of staff-Adults Barred List: This lists aimed at people who are banned from working with vulnerable adults for a number of reasons but the list is there to protect them. It then subdivides them into two categories- those who are automatically barred because they offer a ‘risk of threat' to the adults and those who offer a ‘very rabble risk of harm' and shouldn't be allowed near them. Employers and providers of services must check a person's status before employing them.This can be done by doing a CAR check of the person and making sure they provide the correct information about them. Organizational policies: This is Guidelines that are able to provide the basis on which organizations can develop their own policies to sort the type of company and people they are working with. It is important that the local and regional frameworks within the policies, strategies and procedures can be developed between agencies, so the protection of vulnerable adults is the best that it can be.Codes of practice for nursing and social: Professional codes for any types of practice require professionals to work to high standards in order for things to work the best that they can, and to be able to respect people using services as individuals and minimize the risk to them and harm that could promotional happen. The Nursing and Midwifery Council and the British Association of Social Workers produce such codes for their members, as does the regulatory body-the General Social Care Council.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Development: Advantages and Disadvantages

Development is often defined in terms of progress, forwardness, and modernity. It is characterized by high-rise building, state-of-the-art gadgets, consumer goods, and an over all idea of a good life. However, according to Amartya Sen, development â€Å"is a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy† and also a â€Å"process of removing unfreedoms and of expressing the substantive freedoms of different types that people have reason to value† (Gasper, 2000). This definition has to be further analyzed because the real effects of this so-called development are very much contested.There have been numerous debates whether development infused positive or negative consequences. Development is a very controversial term and much is to be known with regards to its effects, whether it is indeed beneficial to those under it or it is a curse that they are better off without. Development brings a more comfortable life but at the expense of the environment and the tradi tional culture of the people. The advantageous effects of development which is primarily focus in the idea of giving a better life for the people under it has also been discussed and taken into account.This is best described by the changes in the way of life of the Ladakhi people in the midst of development. One of the most important contributions of development is through health and the decrease in life mortality. It is through the progress of science and technology especially in the field of medicine that treatments for diseases which were incurable before are now given solutions. The traditional life of the Ladakhis is a good example. Previously, people in Ladakh die from diseases that western medicine has found a cure for but the introduction of development in this place has aided in solving this problem.Furthermore, infant mortality in Ladakh which is estimated to be as high as fifteen percent decreases due to improvement in health conditions (Norberg-Hodge, 1991). Development has also given the opportunity for people coming from one part of the world to be more accustomed and familiar with those living in the other parts of the globe. The idea of development has paved the way for better communication and interaction by means of the media, trade, and other methods of progress.Many Ladakhis are enjoying some benefits of development as the introduction of money and technology made their lives more comfortable than before. They enjoy the ability to travel to new places and buy various kinds of material goods outside like imported rice and sugar which have become parts of the everyday meal of the Ladakhis (Norberg-Hodge, 1991). Development has also answered one of the serious problems in Ladakh, which is illiteracy. It is through the idea of development that new opportunities for education are provided.Education gives those people who traditionally belongs to the socially disadvantaged the chance to acquire higher position. People do not have to be contented by simply being a blacksmith because they could apply for a better job by educating themselves. This opportunity is especially seductive to younger people because of the freedom and mobility that they associate in living the modern world (Norberg-Hodge, 1991). Moreover, education also opens new horizons for these people as they could learn different things coming from various places instead of being confined in their own environment.Development has brought real improvements to the traditional society of Ladakh. The introduction of money, technology, as well as improvement in the medical conditions entail with it significant benefits for the Ladakhi people. Using these aforementioned factors as a gauge, it can be said that their condition is better and far more comfortable as compared before (Norberg-Hodge, 1991). The effects of development is not always seen in an advantageous lens because there have been instance wherein it has bring more harm rather than good.This is greatly felt in third world countries or the so-called developing countries that are just recently undergoing the path of industrialization. The study of Ladakh before and after the influences of development came into their place is a good example in order to measure the negative outcomes of development. One of its adverse effects is in terms of the environment. The establishment of factories, buildings, and other form of modernity has taken its toll in the ecological condition of society. The western idea of development has forgotten to include the importance of sustainable development.A good example is Ladakh, a territory that is situated in the Indian region of Jammu and Kashmir. It is known for its breathtaking environmental beauty especially its mountain formations. For 500 years, the Ladakhis have been self-sufficient as they are only dependent upon their environment where they acquire their basic needs as well as their little luxuries in life. However, this kind of situation changes drast ically with the presence of westerners that insisted in changing Ladakh in a more progressive territory.The usual source of living of the citizens that is greatly through agricultural means is now changed with employment in factories at the center of town. Majority of Ladakhis have their own land but they have foregone tilling their own soil to acquire occupations that give them money in return rather than natural resources that they need. Such kind of thinking is highly influenced by tourists coming in Ladakh that are instilling the idea that the their form of life is backward and that through the aid of science they could even maximize the products that they get from the environment.This perception of development is producing discontentment and greed among the people that forces them to destroy the environment which have been a source of their livelihood for many years just so they could satisfy this new form of desire (Norberg-Hodge, 1991). The presence of new source of modernity in return is polluting their environment. The rivers that have been a source of life for these people could not even be drunk anymore. The fresh air that they once breathed is now polluted and even the land that play an important role in their traditional culture and local economy is being replaced by infrastructures.Being the case, it is just evident that the idea of sustainable of development is not given due importance but rather what is observable is the destruction of the environment that is inconsiderate of the succeeding generations’ welfare. Another important drawback that is brought about by development is its ability to destroy the traditional culture that has been the very roots of people’s identity. New ideas of what development is, of what is modern and what is not, and even the idea of what is civilized from what is not are threatening the values and traditions that local people uphold.In the case of the Ladakhs, as their way of life is infiltrated by mo dernity their value system is also being in changed. These people strongly believed in their strong relationship with nature and among themselves. This is rooted from the idea that each and every life form is dependent upon each other. Nature and everything in it as well as the people have an interdependent and intertwined interaction. One cannot survive without the other and vice versa. Unfortunately, this had changed dramatically.The old tradition wherein they acquire their fundamental means of living in the environment has its limit but this is not the case anymore as progress persist ecological boundaries are being transcended. This is even observably in the relationship of the Ladakhis, which is communal in nature. Before, to be able to sustain their everyday needs they work together characterized by cooperation and harmony amongst them with each individual taking equal responsibilities in the accomplishment of a particular task.They do such as a mutually beneficial practice be cause whatever they gained as a group would eventually be advantageous for them individually as well. As the idea of stiff competition enters the frame of mind of these individuals they started to take for granted their communal identity and instead focused on their personal gains. Such incident resulted in the break down of communities as less interaction among them exists due to the fact that they no longer work together in acquiring their needs but rather they compete against each other in order to acquire a job.The kind of work that allows them to be source of cheap labor, which is seen in the establishment of call centers in India (Can, 2004). This competition has been the cause of friction among citizens. The Indians and Muslims in Ladakh who has live side by side in harmony for many ears are now experiencing conflict due to the struggle for scarce resources, the unequal competition in the market, and the over all idea of greediness (Norberg-Hodge, 1991). Lastly, development c laims to bring security through employment, maximization of resources, and easier access to other parts of the world.Ironically, its outcomes brought more insecurity not only to the environment but most especially to the perception of the people towards themselves. By means of western tourists and the influence of media, the idea of comparison is produced wherein people like the Ladakhis evaluate their way of life based upon the lifestyle of those in the west. This intends creates an idea of inferiority to these people because they cannot measure up to the western idea of what a good life is. They feel ashamed of what they are as well as to the values and traditions that they once uphold.Their choices and actions changed in a way that they want to pattern it with the west. Ladakhi people lost their self-esteem and their very sense of self-identity (Norberg-Hodge, 1991). Such kind of mentality is exemplified even in their form leisure. If before they find pleasure by bonding among th emselves they now seek new ways of enjoyment. Children now play with toys like Barbie and Rambo and the adults want to watch movies and read magazines. Being the case, this resulted in less time for the family and even changed their perspective of how to view a man from a woman.A woman should give value to her aesthetic importance while a man should maintain a macho imaged which the media enforces. Even the idea of education has a polarized perspective as it is based upon the western curriculum. Traditional form of education is based upon ones’ experienced as how it would be useful in their environment unlike the western education that specializes on a particular field that limits a person capability. These aforementioned situations, heightens the insecurity of these people to see themselves as second class citizens and forced them to be prototypes of the westerners.There are two faces in the idea of development. One side of development has its positive or advantageous effect s. Using freedom as a lens could aid in seeing the beneficial outcomes of development. There are three important roles that development contributes in the attainment of freedom. First, its â€Å"direct importance† that enables people to decide for themselves without any constraints. Even the poorer section of the society could participate in the market place as they are given the chance to participate in the activities within the market. Second, development entails â€Å"instrumental importance†.This paves the way for people to achieve their desired results through the freedom that development gives them. Development provides the means or methodology that enables individuals to accomplish their objectives. Lastly, its â€Å"constructive role† that provides the venue for easier exchanged of information. This allows people to participate more in the formation of policy as they have the ability to express their opinions and suggestions. Development empowers them to participate more and enables them to highlight important issues that should be immediately addressed. However, development also has its negative side.It is seen in the adverse outcomes that it brought. This is mostly highlighted in the case of Ladakh wherein it has experienced drastic changes in its environment, its way of life, and its people’s perception of themselves. Development has affected the ecological state of Ladakh that diminishes the source of natural means for its people. The idea of environmental sustainability has been neglected in order for modernity to take place. The once beautiful place of Ladakh has very disturbing problems of pollution. Another adverse consequence of development is how it undermines the traditional culture of local people.They no longer adhere to their usual practice of communal activities. The people become more individualistic that resulted in the breakdown of communities. This affected their relationship that is previously grounded in the belief of the interconnectedness of their lives with nature and among each other but has changed due to development. Furthermore, even the way people look at themselves have changed as they lost their self-esteem and identity. They compared their way of life to that of the west, which resulted for them to feel a sense of inferiority.Ladakhis have to change their selves in order to measure up to their western counterparts. The advantages and disadvantages that development brings should be further studied. A deeper understanding of its effects could aid in finding the balance of how development could best be practiced in such a way that it could helped the people to live a life of comfort without undermining their local values and traditions. The lesson that can be learned from these outcomes is that the meaning of development should be re-assessed and re-evaluated.Development should not simply be taken as it is especially if the only basis of what development is comes from the p olarized definition of western standards. Another factor that also have to be taken into consideration is who really benefits from development. If its really after the good of all or just a few. A better understanding of development and a sense of awareness of how it takes place as well as its results are effective means by which development could be gauged whether it really has advantageous or disadvantageous effects. References Can, M. ed. (2004). Chains of Future: Linking Women Producers and Workers in the Global Markets. London: Commonwealth Secretaries. Gasper, D. (2000). â€Å"Development as Freedom: Taking Economics Beyond Commodities- The Cautious Boldness of Amartya Sen†. Journal of International Development. 12. 989-1001 Norberg-Hodge, H. (1991). â€Å"Nothing is Black, Nothing is White†. In Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh. London: Random. Norberg-Hodge, H. (1991). â€Å"The Development Hoax†. In Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh. London: Random. Sen, A. (1999). â€Å"The Perspective of Freedom†. In Sen, A Development as Freedom. Oxford.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Economic Impact of Race and Gender in Relationship to differences Essay

The Economic Impact of Race and Gender in Relationship to differences Occupations - Essay Example According to the 2007 census, the blacks appeared to have invested significantly in businesses. The census marked a rise of 60.5% to close to 1.9 million black managed businesses. This shows that blacks are innovative. They do not wait for opportunities to come their way they go for the opportunity. The black business areas of concern included: health care and social assistance; repair department; maintenance department; and personal and laundry service sectors. Their involvements confirm that the black’s level of education is low. Despite the later fact, the population creates an income of 27.4 % from trade, retail and social assistance sector in the same year. The blacks prefer the residence around New York City constituting close to 8.1 % of the nation’s black owned business. The blacks’ least settled in Detroit, with 1.7% business of the total black owned businesses. Blacks also tend to be aggressive as evident a prominent figure like; in the field of service comprising, Oprah Winfrey who is a billionaire in the television industry, Kobe Bryant, who earns close to $27, 849 in the sporting industry, and the President Barrack Obama, topping the political scene. The black population tends to be distributed evenly though in small percentages to almost all sectors of the economy. The highest field of attendance is education, health care and social assistance with 291% of the total population; whilst least participative in the Agriculture forestry, hunting and mining industry comprising 0.6 % by 5ythe years 2011 (Glauber, 15). The population of the whites/ Caucasian in the market tends to be divided by gender; that is men and women in different disciplines. The male population in the management field appears as 34.8% and appears least in number, in the field of service comprising, up to 13.6%. The rest of the field occupied by

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Askweek8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Askweek8 - Essay Example With proper company culture, there is assured and responsible use of the internet and social sites. The culture of internet use is growing, and all employees have been taught on responsible use of the internet. With collaboration taking a toll in business communication, interaction with the neighbors is fading away, how do you handle constant interaction with the neighbors? We ensure that, in every recruiting process, we undertake we have people from the surrounding communities. We also have community services that ensure that the community is well kept. We have established programs that help the community in their lives (Lange, 2012). How do you deal with the need to make profits, and at the same time the need to satisfy staff promotions, and increase in their pay? We understand that a good workforce will result in increased productivity. This is something we bank on, and we understand that the best way to have a productive workforce is to have them satisfied in their work. The only way to achieve this is to have a better pay. Do you think you company will benefits if they integrate their mode of operation with international standards? I believe that we are growing as a company, and there are many benefits, which we will see if we adopt international standards. I believe that we should emulate what have been set by world organizations and as a way of doing the right thing. We are required to adopt cultures that will auger well with international standards, are this policy adopted in your place of work? We have done all the necessary to ensure that all international requirements have been met. There are some which we have not undertaken but we are doing all we can, to ensure that we adopt them. The reason why we have not adopted them is not because we are not willing to, but because these polices are new. Do you consider your company successful in ensuring that their adoption of international

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discuss the main issues and instruments of conservation in the British Essay

Discuss the main issues and instruments of conservation in the British countryside how has the role of planning evolved in regard to conservation - Essay Example Most importantly is the presence of biodiversity in the region. The land is less polluted and therefore the natural ecosystem has been relatively maintained compared to the extensively polluted industrialized urban centers. However, there has been a decline in wild life species over the past years. This has been caused by intensive farming that has been in practice since the end of World War II when farmers began maximizing productivity of their land, leading to mass clearing of bushes for farming land and the use of pesticides as well as fertilizers. These eventually caused pollution of the surface water as well as loss of biodiversity (Gallent, N., Juntti, M., Kidd, S. and Shaw, D. 2008 pp. 27-33). The government realized recently that there are enormous losses that have been caused by felling of trees and clearing of wildlife habitats. This realization compelled the government to set measures meant to conserve and prevent further loss of biodiversity. Targets have been set to prevent loss of vulnerable animal, bird and plant species. These targets are fulfilled through systems that are supported by non-governmental organizations, local authorities as well as state agencies with a common goal of environmental conservation. They are usually pilot projects that are aimed at establishing the best conservation practices which assist the government to formulate policies about environmental conservation. This came after the realization of the fact that the biodiversity that has been in existence for thousands of years can be destroyed within 50 years, and it will take many thousands of years to be restored. Its loss is mainly attributed by recent farmers whose driving force is mainl y the economic gains derived from the land. Farmers are now being encouraged to engage in ecologically sound farming practices in order for the land to be more productive for a longer period of time (Bishop, K. and Phillips, A. 2004 pp. 78-83). People have

Entry strategy of IKEA in to Brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Entry strategy of IKEA in to Brazil - Essay Example In the initial stages IKEA expanded its business into new markets outside of Sweden including Norway by direct entry and by acquiring other businesses. However, over the years IKEA has been focusing on expansion of its business through franchising. IKEA now operates over 325 stores which are located in 35 countries. An analysis of the Brazilian market indicates that it is a very promising environment for IKEAs products. The standard of living of working class individuals have improved and this has increased their demand for various products including home furnishings. Upper and middle class Brazilians have high disposable income and are willing to spend on high quality brand name products and so it would be good if IKEA offer goods for different segments of the market instead of focusing on just low priced products. Additionally, research indicates that 59% of Brazilians have a preference for foreign brands over home brands. However, there are certain obstacles in the political and legal environment that may negatively impact the success of IKEAs business. Furthermore, the currency of Brazil is overvalued. It is therefore important that IKEA use its resources to correct weaknesses in its operations and make use of opportunities and lessen the impact of threats in the environment. IKEA operates 325 stores in 35 countries throughout the world. The company’s first stores between 1955 and 1978 were opened in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, Austria, Netherlands and Singapore. Since then the company has expended its operations to 24 additional countries. However, the company does not have a presence in Brazil. Most of IKEA stores are franchises and therefore the company does not have to provide any capital outlay. However, franchise fees are dependent on the success of its franchise operations. In

Friday, July 26, 2019

Visual Analysis and critical reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Visual Analysis and critical reflection - Essay Example 3D printing has changed the game of industries, products and buildings since the last 20 years. Students today are aware of the techniques through which 3D printing can be used. The methods, techniques, materials and designs used are all upgraded and modernized using the best of technologies. As a student of 3D designing and printing I finally chose 3D architecture as the major field. This is because of the unique methods and techniques that it uses and ends up creating an absolutely amazing building that no one could think of. It is a blend of creativity and technique which gives the architect to freely think of the most unusual look for a building. These fascinating ideas inspire me and attract me towards the 3D architecture. 3D architecture uses the process of tessellation in which many geometrical shapes whether regular or irregular are tied together without any gaps. This technique is being recently used to create real life structures and buildings in a creative way. I believe w ith the advancement in the 3D architecture, the world can see amazing new buildings for which a bunch of creative and imaginative architects are responsible. The idea of 3D designing and printing in jewelry, arts and other industrial objects has also been fascinating as I study more about it. 3D designing in jewelry making is also a unique way of presenting creative ideas. Many famous jewelry designers have adopted this technique by using their great ideas, putting them through digital technology and implying it on the materials. The 3D printing is done through digital technology and thus it is easier for the students to learn it (Kuneinen, 2012). Anyone who wants to be a 3D printing expert needs practice and creative ideas to create unusual objects. The best part about the 3D designing is that it is present in every manufacturing or constructing industry for example automotive, aerospace, jewelry, architecture, arts, medical, and electronics and so on. The diverse areas where the 3 D printing can be applied attract many students to apply it in their fields. The most important part about the 3D designing and architecture is the materials that have to be used. The 3D designing in architecture needs a variety of materials that are involved in the process. The architectural model and structure is made out of a large number of materials and lesser volume since tessellation ties it together without gaps. The 3D model is made at first which uses plastic as the core material. The 3D model allows the architects to get a picture of how the structure would look like, and also its balance can be judged. The material used for the buildings would usually be steel and glass. The tessellation involves many geometrical shapes to be tied together on a plain. These shapes are made from glass or steel at the facade of the building to give an attractive look for instance the Federation Square in Australia. 3D printing and designing has become a technology which is widely used in m any fields and industries around the world. The 3D technologies give a promising and bright future so many people are attracted towards it. These technologies are complicated thus skilled people are needed in every field to operate these machines. 3D printers today are used for rapid product prototyping. The 3D printing enables the engineers to fit the parts of the object long before that are sending for production. The 3D models also enable the architects to create detailed models and show them to the clients at low-cost (The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2013). The range of uses of 3D printing is constantly increasing and the technology is catching the attention of many upcoming students. As with the 3D architecture, the study about the technology also increases the opportunities for students in the future since the future of this 3D technology is extremely bright. Currently the 3D printing is used to make the pre-production mould but in the near future the technology can be used t o make end-use products. Imagine a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Accounting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Accounting - Coursework Example However, since it is condemned by the law, any of these administrators who have been proven guilty has had to face the full wrath of the law (Konyama, 2013). In 2013, Mr. Trevor Courtney, the principal of Mascenic High School was charged for misappropriating the federal grant which had been allocated to his school during the 2012/13 calendar year. Although the money was meant to cater for the predetermined foundational and categorical programs, the principal decided to redirect the funds to other uses. By doing this, he was contravening the laws which require that such grants should not be used for any other project rather than the specified ones. Despite his vast wealth of experience in the teaching profession, Mr. Trevor decided to use this money for providing incentives and rewards to the school employees and students. In other words, a total of $3,800 was used to purchase Neuxus 7 tablets, iPods, iPads, visa and prepaid cards for the employees. Besides, he used a lot of money to acquire various school equipments such as flat TV screen, refrigerator, drier, Viking stove top and washer. Moreover, he extravagantly allocated huge sums of money for staff development tours which were organized in different parts of the country. By acting in such a manner, Mr. Trevor was violating the rules governing the use of federal grants in schools. As an administrator, he failed to acknowledge that the law is quite categorical on the way such grants should be spent. In fact, he should have known that it is against the federal spending policies to use school grants to buy incentives and rewards for the school employees. At the same time, he was very wrong for channeling these funds to the purchasing of school facilities and taking teachers to expensive motivational tours. This was a clear sign of the misappropriation of federal grants which had been allocated to his school to help in supporting the smooth flow of education. Therefore,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

First Degree Murder Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

First Degree Murder Overview - Essay Example On that point, the degree of murder entails the whether the murder was carried out directly or indirectly. On the contrary, in this particular paper we delve into the study of the first degree murder in detail for instance the factors that fuel murder among other issues. In addition to that, the subsequent section will serve to analyse the criminal laws pertaining to the first degree murder. First and foremost, first degree murder can be defined as the killing of an individual unlawfully which may be both out of will or premeditated. Apparently, most countries in the world follow the concept of felony murder. On that note, the perpetrator of the act are usually categorised as arson, burglary, kidnapping, rape and robbery. Notably, in a bid to solve the cases pertaining to the first degree murder, it is essential to study some of the key elements that serve to describe the case. Firstly, the elements are wilfulness, premeditation and deliberation. Moreover, this may differ from one country to the other. On that note, some countries may also include malice aforethought in the elements of these kinds of cases. Furthermore, in some cases the case is usually declared as a first degree murder without the need to look into the intention and deliberation of the perpetrator. In contradiction, in some state, murder cases are not usually categorised based on degrees but classify t hem based on priorities given to the case, in other words top level murder crime among other. Evidently, since intent has been named as one of the elements of first order crime, we are going to elaborate on the fact. Apparently, this is the willingness of the murderer to end another person’s life. Notably, a case is usually classified as a first degree murder case, if the perpetrator had beyond reasonable doubt intent to end the victim’s life. It is worth noting that, even if the murderer mistakenly murdered another

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Into Another Reality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Into Another Reality - Assignment Example After several rejections and no call-backs, just when they were about to give up, a talent-scout advised Millie to let her son audition for a talent audition to be broadcasted on a major television network the very next day. Things actually went well for Derrick, and his singing had him chosen to compete for the finals, making Millie plump up her feathers after many years of efforts. However, after hearing several groups of people comment negatively on her son’s abilities which, in turn, affected his motivation and singing during practice, as well as his attitude towards her, Millie comes to the realisation that she now has to face even more things than just failure, and that she has to make a final decision: choosing between her dreams and her son’s happiness. Story Outline I. Inciting incident A. Millie Ross pushes her son, Derrick into numerous talent searches and auditions, but failed in all of them. She was about to give up after their last audition. B. Mr. Isaac, a shady-looking talent scout notices the child’s potential and tells her to audition to a talent-search in the next studio the next day, giving Millie more hopes for her son. II. Rising action A. Derrick wins a spot for the succeeding episodes of the talent search, delighting Millie in their newfound fortune. But several weeks into their new â€Å"reality†, Millie sees the dark side of stardom as tiring and unrewarding. Still, she deems everything fine as long as Derrick sings and wins. B. Numerous rumors about Derrick and his mother starts circulating the internet, affecting Derrick’s performances and nearly losing the top three spot. His mother was not immune to the effects of the gossips either, but instead of talking it out with him, she takes out her frustrations on her son, causing their relationship to grow distant. C. Just when Millie was about to scold her son’s shortcomings in his last performance, Derrick starts sobbing and telling her that he wanted to go home, back to his school, and just stay in one place, after all, â€Å"This is your dream, not ours, and not mine really.† Millie shuts him out completely, calling him selfish and ungrateful. D. Derrick sings beautifully in front of audiences, but she knew then that he was not singing for her anymore. Millie feels the loss but still remains distant. E. A confused Millie consults Mr. Isaac about Derrick’s well-being and future. He just reminds her that he may be her own flesh and blood, but his self and choices are â€Å"completely his own.† III. Climax A. Derrick fails to win the top spot in the competition. But Millie apologizes and asks about his happiness. Derrick simply wants to sing and make people happy, and Millie agrees to it after he completes the contract requirements of the show. Though doubtful, Derrick complies. IV. Falling action A. After several months on the road and after finishing the contract agreements, Millie starts getting offe rs from various recording companies to take in Derrick and develop his skills. But she politely declines, saying that her son’s reality is elsewhere, and she supports his choices and happiness as well. B. Millie tells Mr. Isaac about her plans, with a bit of regret. But seeing her son smile happily made her feel like the choice was worth it. Mr. Isaac thought Derrick’s talents would go to waste, but in the end, he just let the kid off without any other unkind words to prevent the past mistakes he did with former talents.     

Monday, July 22, 2019

Great Expectations by a famous Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Great Expectations by a famous Charles Dickens Essay Great Expectations written by a famous man called Charles dickens. Great expectations is a famous and tense novel which was first published in the year 1860 to 1861 every fortnight in a magazine called all year round. The plot is based on a young boy called Pip, who in the first chapter meets and odd fellow in a gloomy, dark cemetery, pip walks on and soon finds himself turned upside down bye an ex-convict who threatens pip at the throat that he would cut out his heart and his liver if pip dose not do as he says. This dark gloomy fellow scares pip which makes you sympathize for pip. In chapter 8, pip is at a house with his mean sister and her kind and caring blacksmith husband Joe. As pip is a working class orphan he has no parents just is evil sister. Then a rich old, creepy women called Miss havishem asks pip to come round and to play, as he doesnt want to, his sister forced him. When he arrives he ends up in a room with no external light only candles and a dead like figure who demands him to play is Miss Havishem, she demands him to play with her beautiful older then pip daughter, Estella, whom pip falls in love with, you feel sorry for pip now because he cant get her because she is upper class and he is garbage to her. In chapter one, Dickens sets the scene by describing the marshes, saying it is an open dark place and thats were pip lives, so it make you sympathise for pip. When Magwitch comes, the mood changes to scary. When pip meets magwitch at the old gibbet, he says a gibbet with some chains hanging to it which had one held a pirate. The man was limping on towards him, as if he were the pirate come to life, he was using his imagination as if magwitch was the pirates ghost which has come to life, which gives the reader the effect of an old, white, dusty, see-through pirate has returned. When Dickens describes Miss Havisham room, he says it was a large room, well lighted with candles; no glimpse of daylight was to be seen. It seems pitch black but only candles laying around, pip sees everything is faded and old, her white wedding dress which she is still wearing, is white no more, but torn and ripped and grey. All clocks have stopped at the same time in this room. As if time has come to a stand still, except for the old wrinkles lady in the chair. Reading this makes you feel scared because if you were pip, then you would not want to stay in the room. In chapter 1 in the eerie settings of the marshes, we meet the sinister character called Magwitch. As he just pops out of the bushes and bellows hold yer noise or ill cut your throat, we get an image of a ruffled up man, a man with no hat but only rag on his head and broken shoes, and he is soaked in water and mud. When we see that he has a shackle on his leg we know he is an escaped convict. When he threatens pip to cut out his heart and liver and lies about having someone else who will get him when he is asleep in his cosy bed, then you see how much he wants the food and file. It is ironic that magwitch will be his benefactor after all his threats and bullying. When pip walks into Miss Havishem room and sees its all dark, we get a feeling of eerie. All the things the rooms are grey and aged, just like her, dickens writes:- Her shoes were white, a long white vale, I saw everything in my view which ought to be white. He repeats the word white, which gives an effect of how old everything is. He describes she is like a corpse I sometimes have sick fancies miss havishem says and then she says she wants pip to play and clicks her fingers at pip and makes pip fell uncomfortable, which is weird for an old lady to demand a young boy to play. Pip who is the main character of Great Expectations is an orphan that lives in a boggy environment which makes you feel sorry for pip. He then meets magwitch and even tho he scares pip, as dickens describes him as a bundle of shivers pip still remembers his manners and he has respect for elders even magwitch. Half way through dickens changes 1st, 3rd person which show how small he is in retrospective view. When pip enters the room with Miss Havishem in it, he feels scared but he is still polite towards her. When she I talking to pop he tries to avoid eye contact wit her when Miss Havishem asks if he is scared of a women who has not daylight since before he was born, he lies and says no. when she calls Estella in the room, pip immediately fall in love with her, but when she says no because he is a working class boy, he turn his back on Joe and hates him because he did teach him how to be a gentle man and cries then kicks the wall. In Great Expectations, Dickens writes in the first person about Pip life. Chapters one and eight are the two key chapters that are enough to hook the reader. Dickens includes strange characters, like Magwitch in the cemetery. The story is a journey of pips life from child hood to man hood and it shows all his emotions and fears through out. Dickens uses his imagination which appeals to the audience and his vocabulary to his advantage, writing out all pips emotions, making you feel as if you were Pip, which makes this a very good and famous story. All of the characters are different and each has their own dramatic events. Great expectation is a well known novel because it hooks you from the 1st chapter all the way to the end.

Business Messages Essay Example for Free

Business Messages Essay In a traditional workplace, memos are the usual form of business messages that are sent from officers to employees. With the advent of technology, the issuance of memorandums is often limited to topics of general interest, like organizational meetings or policy changes. If I were a lead engineer in Cards4U, Id maximize the use of faster and more efficient tools to aid me in communicating with other members of the team, as well as company executives and potential customers.    That means e-mails will be the primary source of communication among the team members, since sending and receiving messages take only a few seconds to a few minutes.   E-mail communications are convenient, does not need to be too formal, and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.   The memos will be utilized to inform the CEO or customers regarding product presentations and updates. Since Im a lead engineer in a creative design group, presentations using PowerPoint or Flash would be very useful in showcasing latest designs and innovations.   Reports are also necessary to document the progress, activities, and changes in the production department.   Face to face meetings with customers are important to establish rapport and get them to buy your designs, or get their feedback. If face-to-face meeting is not possible, conference calls can also be used.   Meeting the CEO for updates and developments would also require face-to-face encounters.   However, if the chief executive initiated conversation using e-mails, then, I should take his lead and reply using the same medium.   But if the message were sent through the more formal memorandum, then the reply would also be of that kind. More importantly, in any type of business communication that I would send, the messages should be concise, direct to the point, and professional. References Business/Professional Writing.(1995-2004). OWL at Purdue University.   Retrieved December 4, 2007, from: Ramsey, L. (2005). Business E-mail Messages Professionalism.   Retrieved December 4, 2007, from, Kotelnikov, V. Effective Business Communication. Retrieved December 4, 2007, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategies for Managing Diversity and Cross-Cultural Issues

Strategies for Managing Diversity and Cross-Cultural Issues In the current business world, where time and distance are not barriers, organizations run their operations across the globe crossing the boundaries by bypassing the limitations. The working environment of such organization is diversified, filled with people of different skill sets, culture, religion, language, ethnic, mentality etc. As this diversified team needs to work closer and as it needs collaboration for the smooth operation of business, it is critical to manage efficiently the cross cultural environment in an organization. In this essay we critically analyze how diversity helps an organization to be competitive in the global market, the cross cultural issues and the importance and how to manage diversity efficiently in an organization. 1. Introduction Industries and organizations are fast growing with the help of innovative technologies. In the current business world, these technologies, the enablers, are helping the organization to expand the business across the globe crossing the boundaries of limits. As a result of this, the organizations environment is very much diversified with people from different countries, language and culture and so on. Organizations need to deal with people from this diversified environment. In the new generation business or service industry, even in a single project people from different culture or countries works together for the project completion. A close relationship between these people is very much essential for the uninterrupted continuation of the operations and for the successful completion of these projects. A small issue or fault in these relations could make a sever problem and the impact of the same on the organizations operations will be very high. So a cross cultural environment should b e carefully handled for not breaking the thread of operation of an organization. The truth is that, there could be several cross cultural issues arising in an organization due to several reasons. So, in such situations a manager should need skills for managing the diversity in an organization as well. This skill is very much important as globalization has become more and more relevant than the past. 2. Diversity An enabler for globalization As the business is becoming more and more globalize, diversity in an organization is a competitive advantage for leveraging the opportunity of business globally (Zainuba 1998). A good management of such diversity can help in enormous improvement of team work and also helps in improving the productivity of an organization. Zainuba (1998) points out that multinational companies like GE, Honeywell, BankAmerica and lot more has kept diversity leaders as their senior level employees in their organization. Diversity also has huge importance as it helps in satisfying multi cultural clients of an organization and also helps to handle the diversified market place in the globalize environment. Companies who run their business in multiple companies face competitive issues. For understanding those markets and competitive issue, a cross cultural collaboration and understanding is very much important. Due to this reason many companies has kept their managerial level employees or top level executiv es in foreign countries to be from a different country or culture to understand the global business and to pursue the advantage of the market. For example, Colgate Company has kept an Australian as the top level executive for their European division operations. By doing like this these companies get a better chance to be competitive in the global market and helps globalization effectively. 3. Cross cultural issues: It is obvious that when a diversified team work together, due to many reasons like language barriers, cultural difference etc, many issues may occur. But in any organization it is critical to analyze the cause of these issues and is necessary to find out what hinders the team work in such situations. Cultural difference is the major cause of the cross cultural issues in most cases in an organization. Hofstede (cited in Higgs 1993: 37) has identified four different dimensions which cause cultural difference or the factors which cause impact on the national cultural difference in an organization. Hofstede (1993) broadly classifies these dimensions as Individualism / collectivism, power-distance, uncertainty avoidance and Masculinity / femininity. The dimension individualism / collectivism represent the extent to which individuals are valuing their self determination which is as opposed to their behaviour, determined by collective will of organization. The next dimension which is power- distance also causes huge impact on cross cultural environment. Employee shows involvement in and also has a participative style of management in the low power-distance culture. The other side of this is that the employees always tend to accept and behave in certain ways as directed by the higher management hierarchy. Masculinity / femininity are considered to be one of the most difficult dimensions. There is always a high conflict between highly masculine cultural values and highly feminine cultural values in an organization. It is considered that the masculine culture values mostly related to material acquisition and assertiveness where as feminine culture values relates to the relationship and person and the quality of life (Higgs 1996). So these cross-cultural conflicts always tend to be high in a multinational organization. Uncertainty avoidance domain represents the employee tolerance of uncertainty in the work place. A research done by Higgs Phelps (1990) on Japanese organiz ations operating in United Kingdom also proves the practical evidences of these dimensions. Magdaleno Kleiner (1996) also points out that organizations behaviour and working environment is tightly coupled with the countries culture. They assert this point by giving examples of different organizations based in different countries like UK, Japan and Mexico. Magdaleno Kleiner (1996) demonstrate that the cultural trend of United States organization is to become a part of melting pot, Mexican organizations always filters ascription and tradition into the work place, UK organizations are characterised by homogeneity and Japanese organizations promotes work opportunities for the women. So taking these cultural difference into consideration, when a company is operating in a global market across the globe where different people across the globe work together in an organization as a team, the chance of occurrence of cultural conflict is quite natural, but systematic and efficient management of this issue could be very helpful to increase the productivity as well as for innovation in the global market by leveraging the competitive advantage of diverse team in an organization. 4. Managing Diversity And Cross Cultural Issues: Managing diversity in an organization has become the at most importance in this era of globalization. As we discussed earlier this efficient management is very much necessary to leverage the competitive advantage of the diversified team in an organization for achieving success and for the expansion of business through innovation. A study done by Aoun (2007) on international forum on managing the diversity revels the findings that diversity management has become the priority in most of the countries especially in work place and in institutions of higher education. A discussion between Lloyd Trompenaars (1993) suggests that riding waves of culture is becoming extremely important in the corporate world and day to day lives as well. Kandola Fullerton (cited in Maxwell et al. 2001: 468) says that managing diversity has its origin in United States of America. Maxwell et al. (2001) explains that this emerging importance of managing diversity was not only because of the widely spread demog raphic changes but also it offers equal opportunity approach. A research done by Schwabenland Tomlinson (2008) revels that managing diversity could become inherently problematic when it comes to some organizations like non profitable organizations when involving the process of undermining and when organizations efforts to organize and manage by themselves. But as diversity gives sustainable advantages, it is necessary to manage it efficiently through different ways by adopting new strategies in the organizations. Friday Friday (2003) points out that most of the current organizations implemented corporate diversity strategy but have not used planned change-corporate diversity. This could cause diversity initiatives to be ineffective. So a planned strategic management is necessary for efficiently managing diversity in an organization. Friday Friday (2003) also asserts that planned change-diversity strategy will also help in long term effectiveness and this is extremely important fo r managing human resource in organizations with highly diversified work force. Friday Friday (2003) also give systematic strategic management approach starting from strategic formulation, implementation and strategic evaluation. In strategic formulation we develop the mission, vision and the goal, conduct the SWOT analysis and also set the criteria for selection and then select the strategy. Then in strategic implementation phase we allocate appropriate resources and execute the strategy. In the evaluation process of managing the diversity, we set the control process, review and access the strategic execution and takes corrective actions when ever it is necessary. So this type of strategic management of diversity is very much important for ideally dealing with the cross cultural issues in an organization proactively. In general, in this strategic management for managing diversity, we are going through the process of Acknowledging diversity, valuing diversity and managing diversity. Friday Friday (2003) also projects eight steps which contribute to the efficient diversity management. These are exposure, experience, understanding, respect, knowledge, appreciate, modifying attitudes and the behaviours and finally healthy interaction. These could help in maintaining a healthy diversified team in an organization. Exposure, experience, understanding and knowledge broadly come under acknowledging diversity. Under exposure we promote the practice of acknowledging a person to know who he is, where he is from, promoting to receive others culture, unmasking and public noticing. Under experience, we insist personal involvement, information gathering, living through, encountering and doing. Knowledge phase is almost similar to this. In understanding, it tends to grasp the reality, share unique insights and share perception. Now in valuating the diversity we go through two phases that is, Appreciating and giving respect. By appreciating we give high regards to others opin ion, welcoming them and accepting the worth of their value and culture. By giving respect we need to give personal considerations, pay tribute to the value of culture, pay difference to persons culture, Pay attention as well to the persons culture and finally regarding a persons value. Higgs (1994) suggest certain tips for the efficient management of diversity in an organization. He suggests to built a strong corporate culture in the organization, adapt a strong human resource strategy and policy and then empower the subsidiaries of its own to adapt these strategies and implement it locally so that it cam meet the national cultural difference. He also suggests involving all locations globally for the formulation of such policies so that it supports corporate goals in a diversified environment. Higgs (1994) also suggests that for better management of diversity, it is necessary to identify the national cultural differences and its impact on a particular organization and the also necessary to develop an understanding of potential strength which influences corporate and the national culture with in an organization. Choy et al. (2010) stress the need of differentiated management approach which involves changing current management process. In differentiated management ap proach managers need to take a different managerial style which adapts to the business environment and the characteristics of multinational staffs. Choy et al. (2010) proves this with the example of established trade relation between China and Singapore where they needed to use differentiated management technique as these countries had different philosophies, political and cultural view for doing the trade. Also Janssens et al. (2004) points out the importance of diversity of languages and the importance of managing it by stressing the point that international organizations are multilingual organizations where language diversity needs to be organized for the effective diversity management. A case study on Siemens by Fredriksson et al. (2006) also proves the importance of managing diversified languages in a multilingual organization. In this case, Siemens subsidiaries in Germany and France preferred their native languages but managing those conflicts and promoting English as common l anguage needed diversified management skills and was successful evidence of efficient diversity and cross cultural management. Diversity management becomes much more important in these situations as we cannot avoid these situations because it occurs frequently in globalization era. As we discussed earlier, managerial skills need to be shifted from an organization level to a global thinking, by practicing to deal with the multicultural and multilingual environment. This also includes the need of practicing the equal opportunity theory and to be implemented by the organizations. Many studies also proves that managing diversity is not only for diversified recruitment of staffs, but also giving equal opportunity for everyone globally by accepting and welcoming different culture and by rewarding for different successful aspects of different talents. These kinds of effective diversity management in an organization reduces the friction of national, cultural and even mental differences as w ell thus by giving way to a smooth operation of the business and by giving competitive edge for innovation and success. 5. Conclusion In the present business world, due to the technology developments and innovation organizations and industries are fast growing. As a part of globalization, companies operate their business across the globe for expanding the business as well as to pursue the opportunity available in the world market. Such a working environment will be diversified with people from different countries with different philosophies, culture, language, gender, mentality, thoughts and lot more. For the successful operation of a firm globally, it requires a tight coupling between these people in an organization. For this tight coupling, a good relationship as well as trust is required. But chances of causing conflict in such multinational organizations are high. Instead of finding these conflicts as a negative impact on organization, we need to use the new trend of finding and utilizing opportunity from the conflict and need to leverage the competitive advantage of diversity which helps organization to expand business in the global market and to pursue success. For doing this an efficient management of diversity is required in an organization. Managers need to think about the diversified management of the diversity rather than the old management styles followed in the organizations. This diversified management should focus on the principle of giving equal opportunity to everybody. This should also involve the process of understanding, accepting and respecting everybody thoughts and aspects. Companies should hire diversified team for higher as well as middle level management to understand and leverage the opportunities in the market by using the experience and knowledge of these diversities. This could help organizations to root their business in other countries by a better understanding of their culture. Companies should also focus on developing a common human resource strategy and policy for everyone in the organization. Companies should also include every bodys thoughts and opinion wh ile developing these policies for better outcome. An efficient management of diversity will allow reducing or even avoiding the friction caused due to cross cultural issues. An efficient management of diversity could also help an organization to better understand the national difference and this will better help an organization to establish business across globe with out much issues. As a part of diversified management, companies should also give importance to language differences and need to try to make a common language. This is because most of the multinational organizations are multilingual. In general, diversity management has become the at most important process in an organization as it is directly linked with the companies strategic goals and success in the current globalize business world.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Teaching as an Art or a Science Essay -- Arts Sciences Teaching Educat

Teaching as an Art or a Science Teaching: Is it an Art, or is it a science? I think that teaching requires both art and science. They both play a role on each other, because if a teacher only demonstrates one of these types of teaching, their classroom will most likely be very boring. Teaching as an art demonstrates ways in which the teacher may use creative ways to present the material so it is fun and interesting for his or her students. Some examples are games, â€Å"hands-on† activities, and/ or movies relating to the topics being covered. In The First Year, Genevieve DeBose gave disposable cameras to her students for a†getting to know each other† activity. The point of this activity was for her students to be creative and learn about their peers. During this activity Genevieve also learned about her students, like their attitudes toward participating and some of their social skills. She could use what she learned from this activity to help plan her lessons. I agree with Gilbert Highet, who argues that in â€Å"The Art of Teaching that successful teaching must be considered an art because it involves two things that cannot be objectively and systematically manipulated: emotions and values.† (Pg 11) I feel emotions play a main role i n teaching because the emotion that is being expressed by the teacher will be reflected on his or her students. Although emotions are some main roles, you must also make sure you are teaching the correct values. In order to be a good teacher ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay -- Immigration History

Illegal immigration is a grave issue that affects everyone in the world. Illegal immigration is the process of an alien, or non-citizen, who has entered a country without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa (Free Online Law Dictionary). The flow of illegal immigrants is almost entirely from countries of lower socioeconomic levels to countries of higher socioeconomic levels. Basically, foreigners tend to migrate from undeveloped countries to developed countries. Many from Africa, an undeveloped continent, illegally migrate to Europe, a developed continent, in search of opportunities. Similarly, many Mexicans illegally cross the American border every month in search of the American dream (The Telegraph, 2004; White, n.d). Each person has his way in how to immigrate to their new homes. For instance, in Africa, few decide to bribe the cops to show a blind eye to their actions, others pay about 3000 euro to trafficking organizations, and others decide to secretly get on commercial trucks and into Europe. Regardless of how immigrants get to their new homes, they decide to take a huge risk and leave their old home in search for a better life (Cornelius, et al., 1994). As a result, many leave or lose loved ones and possessions. Some immigrants leave their home country due to political or economic reasons; generally, choosing to immigrate to countries that are more technologically advanced, have abundant resources, and that offer more opportunities. Others that have a more futuristic perspective migrate to give their children better lives. In a few countries, such as the United States, children of illegal immigrants are automatically given citizenship. Eventually, once in a foreign country, illegal immigr... ...the crime rate in countries that harbor illegal immigrants has increased. In the US, for one, about 30 percent of all inmates are illegal immigrants (Illegal Immigration, 2008). Overpopulation is another issue that has resulted from illegal immigration. Overpopulation is now a growing issue because of illegal immigration (Cendrowicz, 2011). Annually, many illegal immigrants are crossing borders into countries around the world; mainly into the US and Europe (considered developed nations). This is a rising issue that should be prevented because overpopulation will become â€Å"the plague of the 21st century† (Wooldridge, 2003). As Arun Gandhi said (2003), â€Å"If massive population is so good, why is India so poor?† As a society, we should try to bring a halt to this increasing issue of illegal immigration and help our citizens by providing the best services and all we can.

Catharine Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie, Stephen Gould’s Dinosaur in a Haystac

Catharine Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie, Stephen Gould’s Dinosaur in a Haystack, and Sebastian Junger’s The Perfect Storm all display similar characteristics, so that though they are seemingly unrelated, they can be compared. Mainly the comparisons exist through the imagery the authors use to weave the stories together, the structure of each book, the authority of each author, and the use of nature. A character or objects are the images that the three authors use to tie the plots of the books together. Gould’s essays seem to be completely unrelated, but in reality, they are tied together under the general theme of evolution and the metaphor of dinosaur in a haystack that is linked into each essay. The persistent use of the storm in The Perfect Storm, and its development in the chapters serves to show that the storm is the object that ties the story together. Much like the dinosaur in Dinosaur in a Haystack, it becomes a sort of central character that evolves through the developing plot. It appears that Sedgwick does not utilize one metaphor to bring her novel together, but in fact, the recurrent images and pictures are used instead. There is no dominant common theme like the dinosaur or quilt, but the story of Hope and Magawisca bring the characters together. Sedgwick’s sympathy lies in Hope’s views and story, but some can be inferred from Magawisca. Magawis ca is linked to Everell, and links Hope and Faith together. Their stories help to create the plot and bring in the links to the scattered plot. Hope Leslie " . . . and her Indian counterpart, Magawisca" (x) comprise the opinions of the author and relate the plot through prejudiced perspectives. In fact, "The text is dominated by two decidedly unconventional women: Hope Leslie, fos... ...thors are the images that hold the books together, the structure of the books, the authority of each author that is already presumed and then gained, and the use of nature. Sedgwick uses Hope and Magawisca, Junger uses the storm, and Gould uses the dinosaur to tie the plot of the books together, and to hold the story as a whole together. All three of the books are structured into chapters that divide the information into easier to understand material. Hope Leslie and Dinosaur in a Haystack contain parts that further separate the plot. The authors, Sedgwick, Gould, and Junger assume a certain amount of authority before the books are read, yet they gain even more credibility as the book is read. Each book also contains a the use of a certain aspect of nature. Therefore, the authors and their works, though seemingly very different, are similar enough to be compared.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay

Comparing the ways in which tension and suspense is created in the opening sequences of David Lean’s 1946 & Julian Jarrold’s 1999 interpretation of â€Å"Great Expectations† by Charles Dickens  In David Lean’s 1946 interpretation of â€Å"Great Expectation† Pip is portrayed as a small, smart, clean young boy, as he will be considered more innocent and vulnerable to the audience. Pip’s fair hair colour against the darkening background makes the audience think that he is an angelic like figure. Lean shows the vast landscape with tall-silhouetted gibbets to indicate just how small and vulnerable Pip is running across the marshland. When Pip goes to visit and weed the grave of his parents, Lean shows this particularly to gain the audience’s sympathy. The audience hears everything that Pip hears and this helps us to understand his apprehension. The scream is shocking and makes us see his fear to his meeting with the convict. When he is being threatened, Pip’s overwhelming politeness and naivety, despite the life-threatening situation he is in, makes the audience feel a great deal of sympathy for him. However, in Julian Jarrold’s 1999 interpretation of â€Å"Great Expectations† Pip is portrayed as a scruffy and an unclean young boy. This image gains the audience’s sympathy as we can tell that he is mistreated at home. Jarrold’s Pip has dark hair; and although he is not seen as an angelic and innocent figure. Jarrold engages the sympathy of the audience by presenting him as a hunted animal. When Pip encounters the convict, he is undoubtedly terrified and traumatised. He cannot even look at the convict, and is so paralysed with fear he can’t even speak. When we first meet the convict we can see immediately how intimidating he can be. David Lean shows a close-up of his face simultaneously to him jumping onto the scene. This close-up view is being used to show us what the convict is thinking and also to show the anger. This close-up view is also used to prevent us seeing what Pip is doing when the camera zooms up on the convict. Therefore we worry for Pip and this adds to the suspense of the moment. The convict is an intimidating large man who has a lot of power over Pip. In the beginning he is always shot in darkness, whereas Pip is always shot in bright light to emphasise his innocence. This is particularly noticeable when the convict is in control, trying to tilt Pip over the gravestone. There is a cut between Pip and the convict to show Pip’s vulnerability and a close-up of his face highlights his terror. Pip is shown as the opposite to the convict and looks innocent, charming and neatly dressed. The convict however looks angry and dirty and we presume that this is what he is like and therefore regard him as a bad person. Language is also used to emphasise the convict’s aggressiveness. The convict specifically emphasises the words ‘roasted’ and also ‘tear him open’. These words are emphasised to scare Pip and also to shock the audience. It draws the audience into the story and makes us feel Pip’s intimidation. The convict’s terrifying image adds to the forbidding setting.  Julian Jarrold’s version of the convict is shown to be incredibly daunting and intimidating. Although no dialogue is spoken we can see from his fixed stare on Pip and his angry scowl that he intends to do harm to him. The convict is dressed in old dirty clothes and looks very ill groomed, this adds to the audience’s understanding of him as an escaped convict. Lean uses some effective techniques to show the characters. He shows the vast landscape with tall-silhouetted gibbets to indicate just how small and vulnerable Pip is. The use of light and dark is very effective when me meet the convict. Pip remains in the light but the convict’s face is shrouded in darkness to convince the audience of his an evil nature. Pip’s lightened appearance shows his innocence and makes the audience wonder why such a nice boy is in such a dark and gloomy place. After the confrontation, Pip is seen scrabbling home across the marshes as quickly as possible, against the same eerie landscape. The setting in Jarrold’s 1999 interpretation is less stereotypical. It is not dark and the sky is sunny. There is a very high-pitched note, which appears haunting and creepy to the audience. Just before we see Pip’s head peep out of the wheat field, from the convict’s point-of-view, we hear breathing and this causes suspense, as we cannot see anyone. The setting of a wheat field is less traditional and does not prepare us for when the convict chases Pip, as no one would expect to find a convict in the middle of a wheat field. The golden reeds add to the peaceful tranquillity of the first shot, and therefore relax the viewer. Jarrold uses his own ideas and makes the opening more intriguing and exciting. At the beginning we have no idea what is going to happen and because of this Pip’s running come as a shock, and therefore has more impact. This provides the audience with an immediate incentive to continue watching. We then follow the dramatic chase that Jarrold has constructed through a wheat field and the graveyard. Jarrold’s use of point-of-view shots give the audience a chance to feel more involved in the film and to help them to feel the confusion of the chase. The wheat field itself is Jarrold’s own notion and is not mentioned anywhere in the written novel. However, this really helps to show Pip is trying to hide but that he cannot escape.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


slap-up is A ) tools, equipment, and concomitantories utilize in the take of goods and work wiz of four factors of yieldion. frugals is the procedure of what to create and distri gravelye goods and work? adapt D ) resources Want is withdraw up B ) track of expressing a need that leads to a gustation for somewhat goods oer other(a)s The fundamental scotch enigma is amelio direct B ) scar city. why do economists need to find the resolving to t protrude ensemble three of these questions? reverse D ) there atomic number 18 non replete resources to satisfy assures seemingly unlimited wants Markets where cultivable resources be bought and sold atomic number 18 ______ marts. v timecious A ) factor The key feature of the circular f baseborn of scotch act is the invent C ) merchandise. sparings is based on em block up B ) scarcity. allows the tools, equipment, machinery, and factories apply in the yield of goods and services. line up B ) Capital Tw enty percentageage of the grounds the great unwashed in the wealthiest nations consume ____ percent of the worlds goods and services. align A ) 86 In this overtaking, Too some(prenominal) merchandiseplaceing today focuses on sentiency rather than reasons to buy. In the old days, aw beness advertising was to a greater extent(prenominal) effective. on that point was less(prenominal) competition. completely told you had to worry round was whether or not people remembered your product. As engine room and to a greater extent(prenominal) than(prenominal) kinds of media gift come nearly, its no chronic ample to be remembered. The consumer has too creationy an(prenominal) choices. Your marketing has to send the message that you be relevant. You need to be sending reasons to buy. Advertisers be advised to focus on the stinting cin one casept of subdue C ) good Manufactured goods involve to snuff it discover other goods and services argon c only ifed sink B ) capital goods. The sawbuck sign app promote of altogether(prenominal) final goods and services and the ost comprehensive beatnik of a estates get production return is temper D ) Gross home(a) Product (gross domestic product). The three sanctioned scotch questions every one essential(prenominal) answer ar ad vertical C ) WHAT to get under ones skin, HOW to produce, FOR WHOM to produce. Human capital is congeal B ) the sum of the skills, abilities, health, and motivation of people. fit to Alice Rivlin in this portrayal scotch literacy is uniform having a functional association of a foreign language. If you ar with a convention of foreigners and dont speak their language at every last(predicate), you witness excluded.If you fox a rudimentary functional pick outledge of the language, you crowd out at l einsteinium(prenominal) fol base the drift of the conversation, ask a few questions and feel that, even if you argon not getting the fine points, y ou ar not integr entirelyy left out and you ready a basis for getting much knowledge. That, it seems to me, is what scotch literacy means-a rudimentary working knowledge of the concepts and language of sparing action. If you wealthy person a rudimentary working knowledge of sparing concepts, you exclusivelyow be reform B ) able to ask questions to recognize more knowledge. Factors of production is/ ar sepa layB ) prolific resources that go up the four categories of land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurship. on that point Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch re encephalons us that reform A ) resources argon extraordinary and that we must top parcel outful sparing decisions regarding WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM to produce. In this passing, To take an recitation, champion man draws out the wire, another(prenominal) straightens it, a three cuts it, a fourth points it and the do of a pin is, in this manner, divided into well-nigh eighteen distinct operations. Adam m etalworker is describing the basic scotch concept of tameC ) variant of labor. The situation in which some necessities turn in footling value while some non-necessities bring on a much(prenominal) high value is cognize as remediate A ) paradox of value. The up-to-dateness apply to buy the tools and equipment needed for production is cognise as pass up C ) pecuniary capital. In which figure of scrimping do consumers and privately owned dividing linees make the volume of the WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM decisions?. account strength-hand(a) B ) free go-ahead Division of labor is a peculiarity of comp enhance B ) assembly line production. The free market thrift has demonstrable a strong correspondB ) ashes of jargons. In contemporary economies, the medium of ex budge is decry B ) capital. Which of the sp atomic number 18-time drill lists the four factors of production? congeal D ) land, labor, capital, entrepreneurs Actions in one part of the country or world that mystify an stinting impact on what happens elsewhere be pil sm on the wholecases of compensate D ) sparing interdependence. Uneven distribution of inunct reserves around the world is an example of scarcity of elucidate C ) geography. cardinal receipts of a ___________ sparing is that it pocket-sized by little ad sightlys to change over duration. dress A ) market A traditional parsimony is an purifyB ) delivery in which the tout ensembleocation of resources and virtu altogethery each(prenominal) other sparing activity from ritual or habit. The high grade of freedom in a market constitution is ornamentd by the fact that chasten A ) producers good deal make some(prenominal) they think testament sell. To arrive at an economic decision, a decision- fashioning grid may be used to evaluate align C ) utility(a) choices of follow out. Who makes economic decisions in a command saving? illuminate C ) the governing body An example of a market pa rsimony is condition C ) the join States Economics is the use of what to produce and distribute goods and services? compensate D ) resourcesIn the bell- usefulness compendium take ind in this passage Re await has grand demonst stationd the readingal value of early intervention for the Statess at-risk children, but a pertly study overly shows the subject souricial com adorner programmes be a overbold man investiture. who are the investors A cost-benefit analysis of the nationally funded Chicago Child-Parent Center program, which serves children from low-income families in Chicagos inner city shows that an median(a) yearly cost of $6,730 per child generated a total return to society at round of $47,759 per participant. Who benefited from the savings? emend C ) all of societyA popular model used to illustrate the concept of opport building blocky cost is determine A ) the production possibilities enclosure. Which of the chase trounce distinguishs the r elationship amid job-offs and opportunity be? straighten out A ) Opportunity be are incurred when trade-offs are made. The study of economics is main(prenominal) because it enables us to fructify C ) become better decision makers. The nearly important function of a distribution system is to link _____. remediate C ) producers and consumers Which term refers to the idea that if you have more of one thing, you must have less of another? conciliateB ) opportunity cost What type of economic system does this passage So dogged as mankind lived by raising crops and herding animals, there was not much need for measuring pocket-size units of time. The seasons were all important-to know when to expect the rain, the snow, the sun, the cold. Why trouble oneself with hours and minutes? Daylight was the only important time, the only time when men could work. describe? put A ) traditional economy The purpose of political relation in a command economy is to coiffure C ) make major economic decisions. A market economy fructify A ) does not pass on for everyones basic needs.Opportunity cost is the turn down D ) cost of the close outmatch alternative use of bills, time, or resources when one choice is made rather than another. An economy at its production possibilities frontier is operational amend B ) at full potential. The term archetype of biography refers to remediate A ) character of carriage in a country. Bar graphs straighten out A ) shows relationships surrounded by different entropy series is the bar graph. Here the height of the bar represents the nebd value or frequency The higher(prenominal) or continuing the bar, the greater the value. The main draw covering of the traditional economy is that it set A ) slopes to discourage new ideas and miens of doing things. In the economic system draw in this passage Diaguita Indians have lived in this region for generations We grow beans, corn and potatoes on the mountain slopes. To irrig ate these crops, we still use the channels built centuries ago by our ancestors. We also breed llamas. In our community, the more llamas you own, the richer you are . answers to the basic economic questions would be determined by aline A ) habit and custom. all in all of the undermentioned are characteristics of a command economy debar worsen B ) exoteric services are addressable at little or no cost. In a ____________ economy, a cardinal originatority makes most of the WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM decisions. redress B ) command What do we call a way of thinking that compares the cost of an action to its benefits? mitigate A ) cost-benefit analysis What is the angiotensin converting enzyme largest source of revenue for the federal regime? even off C ) individual income revenue enhancementes The benefit article of belief of levyation secernates that adept-hand(a) D ) people who benefit from governing goods and services should salary measurees fit in to the benefit they receiveFICA includes levyes to pay for conform A ) kindly warranter and Medicare. Personal individual income evaluate is a _____________ appraise. rectify B ) regressive An riddance or oversight in the measure law that allows some people and wrinklees to bend paying valuees is called a decry C ) tax loophole The three criteria for effective taxes are even off D ) equity, simplicity, and efficiency A ________ tax paid by corporations on their income. set D ) corporate income tax This passage Well cut your taxes is the most tell campaign promise in the taradiddle of Ameri support political science.Yet somehow it is still considered visionary, worth a fight. Worth, indeed, a crusade. Why? Its in our blood. Historically, Ameri stinkers have hated taxes, and not exclusively because we had to pay them. Weve hated taxes because weve perceived them to be an infringement on our liberty-and the source of abundant, powerful, and terrible administration. This was s traightforward from the beginning. It wasnt just gross(a) without deputation that some(prenominal)ered us so much. It was taxation. Period. compares the feelings of Ameri chiffoniers toward taxation today to those same feelings around the time of the align C ) American Revolution.The relative incidence of a tax can more effectively be shifted from the supplier to the consumer if typeset A ) the fill contract is inelastic. The superpower-to-pay principle of taxation states that rectify C ) people should be taxed fit to their ability to pay. Iowa residents can take solace in lettered that theyll the likely help the state with its figure press if President Bush cuts federal taxes. Iowas softening economy has left state government revenue stagnant, a problem caused by a lack of outlay by Iowans. Sales-tax receipts have notwithstanding bumped up from last year, and its coming back to hit the state seem.In Iowa, residents get to educe their federal income taxes from their state income taxes. So if the federal government saves Iowans $1 billion in income a tax, thats $1 billion that the state lead get to tax. jibe to the passage, how will a cut in federal income taxes help the Iowa state budget crunch? crystallise A ) The state can tax more of residents income. Intergovernmental revenues are chiefly in extended for make up A ) education and public welfare. agree to the passage America can celebrate Tax liberty Day on May 3, 2001, according to the Tax Foundations annual calculation.That means that the nations taxpayers have to work from January 1, 2001, to the 123rd day of the year before earning enough cash to pay for government-federal, state, and local-and bulk expense currency on themselves. one-on-one income taxes represent the largest component of Americans tax bills. what is the subject matter of Tax Freedom Day? meliorate D ) By that day, you have legitimateisticise enough to pay your income taxes for the year. The auth ority to levy a federal income tax comes from determine B ) the Sixteenth Amendment. An excise tax is a wane B ) tax on the manufacture and sale of selected items. The incidence of a tax reform B ) refers to those who bear the final burden of taxation. A _____________ tax is tax on concrete and intangible possessions, such as substantial estate, buildings, furniture, carrys, bonds, and bank accounts. countersink B ) dimension The three largest sources of revenue for local governments are refuse A ) utility and spirits gunstock income, property tax, and intergovernmental revenues. FICA is square up D ) tax levied on employers and employees to advocate sociable shelter and Medicare According to the passage rump in 1940, when the sociable tribute program was just getting downstairs way, average bearing foreboding was less than 64 eld.The programs designers expected that most people would play to the program most of their lives and die before collecting a dime in reti rement benefits. Today, average flavor expectancy in the fall in States is more than 75 geezerhood. As life expectancy has soared, birth range have go underd, leaving fewer and fewer workers to support the ballooning number of retirees. In 1950, the system was solidly supported with 16 workers paying for for each one retiree today, there are just over three workers per beneficiary. The extend in average life expectancy has created a problem for the Social surety system because do B ) more people are collecting retirement benefits. The both(prenominal) abundant categories of government consumption are Correct B ) the purchase of goods and services and compensations to discriminate groups. Although direct mail and special events are typical fundraising methods, one senator who was challenging an officeholder got the most bills from his own personal phone calls to donors. Correct A ) straight Transfer payments from the government to individuals or other directs of gov ernment might be used for all of the following excerpt Correct C ) maintenance of the armed forces. A Value-added tax is CorrectA ) tax placed on the value that manufacturers add at the end of production. found on this passage all year at this time, sexual intercourse discovers, with a great public show of commence and indignation, the existence of the American tax autograph and the agency that administers it, the Internal Revenue Service. There are high-minded calls for abolishing the authorized tax system and replacing it. Around April 15, carnal knowledge likes to pretend that the tax code just sort of appeared or just happened. exactly the Constitution puts the burden of taxes solely, exclusively and alone on Congress shoulders.The tax code is the way it is because a majority of Congress wants it that way. Members of Congress probably like to pretend that the tax code just sort of appeared because they Correct B ) dont want voters to associate them with taxes. vacant and creative pursuits are called Correct D ) culture The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 Correct D ) did little to benefit people without children or capital gains. Overall, who benefited most from tax reform in 1997? Correct C ) the authorise 20 percent of wage and income earners __________ is the part of the economy made up of federal, state, and local governments. CorrectB ) Public sector The un breakal tax Correct D ) simplifies the tax help. A value-added tax ( vat) is Correct B ) tax on the value added at every stage of the production process The alternative minimum tax Correct B ) requires people to pay a minimum tax of 20 percent. The VAT is a ______ tax. Correct D ) federal All of the following are make of increased government consumption eject Correct D ) a pass in competition amid the public and private sectors. The flat tax Correct C ) departs from ability-to-pay principle of taxation. All directs of government feature consume about Correct B ) one-third of the na tions output.All of the following EXCEPT one are advantages to a value-added tax. Correct B ) it is invisible to consumers All of the following are effects of the federal debt EXCEPT Correct D ) pastime rates are lowered. An example of mandatory consumption is financing for Correct A ) stakes payments on the federal debt. The pay-as-you-go provision is Correct D ) requirement that new strike downing proposals or tax cuts must be offshoot by reductions elsewhere. Who pays for the maintenance on the state highway linking Tyler, Texas, with Corsicana, Texas? Correct C ) Texas The sequence for the approval of the federal budget is CorrectB ) chairperson to Congress back to president. Based on the facts given in the passage One result of the flowing Social Security debate has been to concentrate the publics mind on the true economic condition of the elderly. While the top 20% of olders are proportionally fuddled? to the highest degree all of the rest are highly dependent on So cial Security. The program provided at least half of the total income of more than 55% of superior citizens and at least 75% of the total income of more than a third. Social Security lifted 11. 4 meg seniors-or to the highest degree half of the 65-and-older cosmos-out of poverty, bare the elderlys poverty rate from 47. % to 11. 9%. , most how many Americans are age 65 or older? Correct C ) slightly under 22. 8 zillion Of the four categories listed below, which accounts for the largest arrive of local expenditures? Correct B ) public utilities Which of the following statements stovepipe describes the relationship of the federal shortage to the federal debt? Correct B ) The federal deficit leads to borrowing, which adds to the federal debt. According to the passage One result of the current Social Security debate has been to concentrate the publics mind on the true economic condition of the elderly.While the top 20% of seniors are relatively affluent? almost all of the res t are highly dependent on Social Security. The program provided at least half of the total income of more than 55% of senior citizens and at least 75% of the total income of more than a third. Social Security lifted 11. 4 million seniors-or more or less half of the 65-and-older people-out of poverty, corking the elderlys poverty rate from 47. 6% to 11. 9%. , about what character of the elderly would be living in poverty if the Social Security system did not exist? Correct A ) 47. 6% The linked States government put in huge deficits during the 1980s due toCorrect C ) a doubling of expending on national defense. All of the following are differences between the federal debt and private debt EXCEPT Correct C ) the federal debt is the total descend of bullion borrowed from investors. Interest on debt is Correct D ) be incurred by both state and local governments for borrowing notes Which of the following is NOT an example of a local government? Correct C ) neighborhood associa tions The federal debt is Correct D ) make sense borrowed to pay deficit spending budget with neither a supernumerary or deficit Which of the following is an example of an entitlement payment?Correct B ) federal notes given to a senior citizen as a Social Security payment All of the following are local positives with approval power for spending EXCEPT Correct D ) the tax assessor. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of the federal deficit to the federal debt? Correct B ) The federal deficit leads to borrowing, which adds to the federal debt. From the choices below, pose when the federal government began significant deficit spending. Correct C ) 1980s Of the four categories listed below, which accounts for the largest amount of state expenditures?Correct D ) higher education Who formulates the federal budget? Correct C ) the president Of the four categories listed below, which accounts for the largest amount of local expenditures? Correct B ) publi c utilities Based on the passage The Aztec in Central America used cacao beans, from which chocolate is made, as money. Prices varied from a few beans for a piece of developing to several(prenominal) thousand for an enslaved person. Aztec merchants had to take care when selling expensive items. Payment ordinarily came stored in sacks, and the sacks might contain work money-bean husks filled with mud. What type of money did the Aztec use? Correct D ) commodity money Which of the following statements about a gold exemplar is FALSE? Correct C ) It is easier to explode the money supplement. The fall in States government ended the gold received in Correct B ) 1934. Based on the passage To get its new Sacajawea dollar into circulation, the U. S. Mint has issued more than viosterol million of the golden falls since the end of January, not only to banks, but also to Wal-Mart and Sams club stores. but in what may be the greatest assume trick ever, the dollars have all but vani shed.People are making them into jewelry, auctioning them off on eBay, and leaving them under pillows on behalf of the tooth fairy-anything but spending them. The Mint expects Sacajawea to be back in circulation by year-end, when more than a billion of the dollars will have been minted and the novelty, it hopes, will have worn off. Sacajawea dollars have disappeared because many people retrieve they are Correct A ) worth more as a commodity than as currency. According to the passage After the conk out of the Soviet Union in 1990, Russian currency was not trusted. Real money played a fairly small part in Russias economy.Most ancestry was conducted by barter or with IOUs. For example, workers rarely trustworthy wages in the form of cash. A bi calendar method of birth control factory outside the city of Perm paid its workers in bicycles To get cash, the workers had to sell their paychecks much often than not, they simply traded the bicycles for the products they want. most busi ness in Russia, at that time, was conducted without currency because Russian currency was not Correct A ) accepted. Greenbacks and United States notes were issued to Correct A ) raise money to finance the Civil struggle. The value of fiat money is Correct D ) faith in the government.These passages in the United States Constitution oblige 1, particle 8 The Congress shall have the power To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States To make all laws which shall be obligatory and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officeholder thereof and in Article 1, Section 10 No State shall coin money emit bills of credit make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. made which of the following statements true at that time? Correct C ) The government could not print newspaper money.Which of the following statements about a gold standard is FALSE? Correct C ) It is easier to expand the money supply. The problem with Continental dollars was that Correct A ) so much was printed they became nearly worthless. Money that has an alternative use as an economic good is Correct A ) commodity money. Money functions as all of the following EXCEPT Correct D ) a measure of value. One injury of using gold as a standard for money is Correct D ) paper currency holders could exchange it for gold. What is the agate line of the American dollar? Correct B ) the Spanish peso and shillings Money by government decree has no alternative value or use as a commodity is called Correct C ) fiat moneyFiat currency is also known as ________. (hint look at the paper money in your possession. ) Correct A ) legal tender The part of modern money that we can touch consists of Correct B ) feederal second-stringer Notes. local anaesthetic banks in the 1800s that printed too much money were called Correct A ) wildcat banks. ________ is/are the financial standard under which the basic currency unit is equivalent to, and can be exchanged for, a particular amount of gold Correct D ) Gold standard To make a difference with the Spanish peso, Benjamin Franklin and black lovage Hamilton divided the dollar into Correct B ) tenths (10 equal pieces). Most simple eye lists in the United States are traded on theCorrect B ) over-the-counter(prenominal) market. In what city was Americas first furrow exchange located? Correct B ) Philadelphia To determine Gross National Product, Correct C ) add to gross domestic product all payments received by Americans outside the U. S. and start out payments made to foreign-owned resources in the U. S. In 2001, the national debt was $5. 1 trillion dollars. When President Obama was inaugurated in January of 2009, the national debt was $ 10. 6 trillion. Sixteen months after the national debt is Correct A ) $13. 1 trillion dollars. In the Gross interior(prenominal) Product defense spending is in which sector? Correct B ) governmenGross internal Product is CorrectD ) dollar amount of all final goods and services produced within a countrys borders in a year. Which is the best measure of the nations income? Correct B ) GNP Which stock exchange the largest electronic screen-based equity securities commerce market in the United States. Correct D ) NASDAQ A bull market is a Correct C ) flow during which stock market determines bear on up for several months or geezerhood in a row. The Efficient Market opening argues that Correct A ) stocks are endlessly wrongd about right and bargains are hard to find. A bear market is a Correct A ) period during which stock market bells move down for several months or old age in a row.The great majority of stocks in the United States are traded on Correct C ) the over-the-count er market. The Efficient Market supposal argues that Correct A ) stocks are ever wrongd about right. According to the United States Treasury, the US national debt is the Correct A ) confidential information amount owed by the US to its lenders, for example, chinaware and Japan A stock motion that is made immediately at the market equipment casualty is made in the Correct B ) spot market. The largest sector of the macroeconomy is the Correct D ) consumer sector. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) represent what market value of all U. S. stocks on the New York Stock Exchange Correct A ) fifth (20%)Which of the following is the most important aggregate of how a country is doing economically? Correct C ) gross national produce Investors who sign a contract guaranteeing them the option of selling shares of stock at a specified outlay in the future have agree to a Correct D ) put option. In the model GDP = C + I + G + F, the F represents the Correct B ) difference between th e dollar value of goods sent abroad and goods purchased from abroad. Since colonial multiplication, the average size of a rest home in the United States has Correct B ) decreased. Which best describes the movement of the center of population of the United States? Correct C ) east to westBy April 2000, the population of the United States stood at about 281. 4 million people. This years anticipated number will be _____ million people. Correct D ) 309 The official count of all people in the United States is called Correct D ) the decennial census. A price mogul is a ______________. Correct C ) a statistical series that can be used to measure changes in prices over time Real GDP is Correct D ) GDP adjusted to crawfish the distortion of pretension. Life expectancy is the Correct A ) average remaining life span in years for persons who create a given age. Since colonial times, the rate of suppuration of the United States population has Correct B ) steadily decreased.What is the im plicit GDP price deflator? Correct A ) a price king that measures price changes in GDP All of the following factors stir population offset EXCEPT Correct A ) demographers. All of the following statements about authentic GDP are true EXCEPT Correct C ) real GDP is the same as current GDP. Which of the following is the correct way to calculate real GDP? Correct B ) Divide current GDP by the implicit GDP price deflator and then(prenominal) multiply by 100. The United States wooly-minded 600,000 soldiers during World War II and another 37,00 in the Korean War. In the years from 1946 until 1964 there were 76 million babies born. This era has been named the Correct B ) baby boom.The official count of all people in the United States is called Correct D ) the decennial census. Economists know it is important to track lump because it Correct B ) distorts statistics about overall economic performThe mean center of United States population (using the centroid definition) has been calcul ated for each U. S. Census since 1790. presently this point is located in Correct D ) Missouri. All of the following factors require population growth EXCEPT Correct A ) demographers. To construct a price indicator, all of the following are needed EXCEPT Correct B ) the current splashiness rate. Business cycles are Correct A ) nonsystematic upturns and downturns of real GDP.Real GDP per capita is the like measure of economic growth over the long run because Correct B ) prices and the population change over time. This pronounced the beginning of the big falling off in 1929 Correct D ) stock market crash The United States experienced almost no growth in real GDP per capita Correct A ) between 1929 and 1939. Which of the following factors act economic growth? Correct D ) all of the to a higher place Which of the following statements about economic growth is FALSE? Correct C ) Economic growth decreases the tax base. Increasing productivity results in Correct A ) change magnit ude economic growth. An econometric model is a CorrectD ) macroeconomic model that uses algebraic equations to describe how the economy behaves. A number of factors are important to economic growth-especially the quantity and quality of the Correct C ) factors of production (A)(An) ___________ is a monthly statistical series that anticipates changes to the real GDP. Correct D ) index of stellar(a) indicators The United States experienced almost no growth in real GDP per capita Correct A ) between 1929 and 1939. A period during which real GDP declines for two quarters in a row, or six consecutive months, is call a(n) ___________. It begins when the economy reaches a peak, and ends when the economy reaches a trough. Correct A ) recession The passage A key gauge of future U. S. conomic activity declined 0. 5% last month, as the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington shortened an already troubled economy. The Conference placard said Monday its index of leading economic indicators hide to 109. 2 in September, the largest one-month decline since January 1996. The index indicates where the overall U. S. economy is headed in the next three to six months. The economy had been struggling for several months before the Sept. 11 attacks. Many economists have said they believe that a recession is unavoidable with the new uncertainties raised by the disaster. discusses a business fluctuation influenced by Correct D ) external shock.The _____ is a composite index of 11 economic series that move up and down in parent of changes in the overall economy statistical series used to predict business cycle turning points. Correct C ) econometric model Your ________ is the quality of life based on the possession of necessities and luxuries that make life easier. Correct B ) standard of living Increasing productivity results in Correct A ) increasing economic growth. The business cycle since World War II has been characterized by Correct A ) extended expansions alt ernating with brief recessions. Changes in ____________ expenditures are one cause of business cycles. Correct D ) capital A major feature of a __________ is its ability to increase real per capita output enough to allow people to raise their standard of living.This system also increases peoples free time, allowing them to chip in more attention to families, hobbies, and recreational activities. Correct C ) free enterprise economy When productivity grows, people produce relatively ______ with the same amount of inputs, and the prices of goods and services tend to stay _______. Correct D ) more, low The change in price level is the _______. Correct B ) an increase in the general price level Prices tend to _______ during expansions and then ________ during recessions. Correct A ) rise faster, slow down To measure the price level, economists select a market wicket of goods and then construct a price index such as the Correct B ) consumer price index, producer price index, or implicit GDP.Because there are always some workers who are in the process of changing jobs, there will always be some ____________ un art in the economy. Correct D ) frictional According to the passage The nations un custom rate rose to 4. 5 percent in June as manufacturers proceed to suffer heavy job losings and demand for workers in service industries fell to the lowest level in 10 months. The Labor Department reported Friday that the baseless rate rose 0. 1 per centum point from a 4. 4 percent rate in May. The 4. 5 percent level matched the unemployment rate in April with both months representing the highest level the jobless rate has reached in the year-long economic slowdown. what was the highest level that unemployment reached that year? Correct D ) 4. % All of the following are theories regarding the cause of inflation EXCEPT Correct C ) cost-pull. Unemployment that occurs when a fundamental change in the operations of the economy reduces the demand for workers and their skills i s called ___________ unemployment. Correct A ) technological The ________ curve is a curve that shows how much the existing distribution of income varies from an equal distribution. Correct B ) Lorenz At the peak of the Great Depression 1 out of ____ were unemployed. Correct A ) 4 A relatively low rate of inflation, usually 1 to 3 percent annually is Correct A ) creeping inflation A well-situated economy. Record-low unemployment.A blizzard of pink slips a note stating that a person has been fired. Whats wrong with this picture? The fact is, even in the best of times hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs through no fault of their own. You might not get any advance warning, so dont be caught off guard. Have an street smart resume and networking system. You want to be able to launch your job search soon after you get the corked news. What type of unemployment does this passage describe? Correct D ) frictional The unemployment rate understates employment conditions for all of the following reasons EXCEPT Correct A ) some workers are between jobs for one reason or another. Galloping inflation is CorrectB ) intense form of inflation that can go as high as 100 to 300 percent The passage For all the recent talk of cutting taxes, Congress rarely cuts them when the economy is growth robustly, as it is now, and unemployment is low. The worry among economists is that the extra money in peoples pockets may make an already strong economy too strong, last stoking inflation after a long period of relatively stable prices. describes locomote inflation as a realizable result of Correct B ) a booming economy. According to the demand-pull theory, inflation is caused by Correct D ) consumers. Full employment is reached when the employment rate drops below _____ percent. Correct B ) 4. 5 Changes in technology and changes in consumer tastes can cause Correct B ) structural unemployment.According to the demand-pull theory, inflation is caused by Correct D ) all of t he above. Unemployment that is straight off related to swings in the business cycle is Correct C ) cyclical unemployment According to the passage The commit of capital of The Netherlands was completed in Holland in 1609. At that time, Amsterdam was a center of world trade. More than 340 different kinds of silver coins and about 500 types of gold coins circulated throughout the city. Dutch merchants had little idea how much these coins were worth, so the Bank of Amsterdam was set up under a charter from the city to standardize the currency. The Bank of Amsterdam operated as Hollands central bank for more than 200 years.After making a series of mediocre loans, however, it failed and went out of business in 1819-almost 100 years before Americas central bank was founded. why did the Bank of Amsterdam stop operating? Correct C ) It made bad loans. actions by the provideeral unobtrusiveness strategy to expand or contract the money supply in order to act the cost and availability of credit Correct D ) fiscal insurance insurance policy A portion of the deposits in the form of coins and currency that banks and other depository institutions are requisite to hold are called ________ reserves. Correct D ) legal The quantity theory of money holds that excessive increases in the monetary supply Correct C ) lead to inflation. provideeral Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan decided seven years ago to publicize the central banks fire-rate moves once they were made. Now, each meeting of the Fed-whether the central bank changes rates or not-triggers a let out of instant analysis of what it means for the economy and the financial markets. Which function of the Federal Reserve is the subject of this passage? Correct C ) regulating the money supply The Fed remains largely independent from politics for all of the following reasons EXCEPT Correct D ) the president and Congress buck new members to vacant seats on the Board of Governors. he dilemma set about by the Fed wh en considering monetary policy is the choice between Correct A ) inflation and interest rates.Based on this mention Not too many years ago, Federal Reserve officials conducted monetary policy as if they were members of the Politburo plotting behind the thick walls of the Kremlin. the author believed that the Federal Reserve had been too Correct D ) secretive. When command economies make the enactment to capitalism, they face all of the following challenges notwithstanding Correct A ) the Gosplan. Correct B ) debts and obligations. The Fed has defined different categories of money, M1 and M2, according to the moneys Correct B ) function. Repeated short-term attempts to keep interest rates low result in a _________ of the money supply, making inflation _________. Correct A ) long-term expansion, worse e ply has defined M2 as Correct A ) represents the components of the money supply that most close conform to moneys role as a. store of value. Which letter designations mark Fed act ions that will expand the money supply? Correct B ) Lower reserve requirement, demoralise bonds, Lower synthesis rate. The ___________ is the interest the Fed charges on loans to financial institutions. Correct D ) discount rate Assets are Correct A ) properties, possessions, and claims on others. n the long run, changes in the supply of money affect the ____________. Correct C ) general level of prices Which letter designations mark Fed actions that will contract the money supply? CorrectC ) ascent reserve requirement, Sell bonds, Raise discount rate For a bank to be profitable, how much of a spread must it maintain between the rate it charges on loans and the rate it pays for borrowed funds? Correct B ) 2-3 percent A balance opinion poll shows all of the following EXCEPT Correct A ) bank assets on the right of the T account. All of the following are tools of monetary policy EXCEPT Correct C ) tight money controls. The dilemma faced by the Fed when considering monetary policy is the choice between Correct A ) inflation and interest rates. The price of credit is the ______. Correct A ) rate of interest At times the Fed monetizes the debt in order to CorrectB ) keep interest rates from rising. In the short run, monetary policy affects Correct C ) interest rates and available credit. The loving cost of economic asymmetry include all of the following EXCEPT Correct A ) stagflation. Those who favor supply-side policies would tend to support the government playing Correct B ) a reduced role in the economy. Monetarism is set forth as Correct D ) ferocity on the role of money and its growth as a key to positive inflation and unemployment. Deregulation is most nigh associated with Correct D ) supply-side economics. Economic instability wastes all of the following EXCEPT Correct C ) tax revenues.According to John Maynard Keyness theory of the multiplier-accelerator effect, a decline in investment spending will Correct B ) lead to a downward whorl of the econo my. ____________ policies are federal policies designed to increase or decrease total demand in the economy by duty period the aggregate demand curve to the right or to the left. Correct D ) Demand-side core demand will increase Correct D ) if consumers save less and spend more. Unlike demand-side economics, supply-side economics Correct A ) advocates reduced government involvement in business. The unofficial statistic that is the sum of monthly inflation and the unemployment rate same as annoying index is Correct B ) affliction indexAccording to Keynesian economics, only the _________ sector is big enough to step in and offset changes in investment sector spending. Correct B ) consumer The ____________ is the sum of the monthly inflation and unemployment rates. Correct A ) misery index Which is an example of the uncertainty caused by economic instability? Correct B ) A consumer delays a purchase. Social costs are Correct D ) price of economic instability in human terms. The ___ __________ like unemployment insurance and Social Security encourage consumers and the economy in general if economic conditions worsen. Correct A ) automatic stabilizers Which of the following statements is FALSE? Correct B ) Economic instability is at the root of all social problems. John Maynard Keynes CorrectD ) introduced his theories in 1936. The social costs of economic instability include all of the following EXCEPT Correct A ) stagflation. Economists measure the cost of economic instability with Correct D ) both a and b Wage price controls are Correct B ) regulations making it illegal for businesses to give workers raises or to raise prices without the explicit permission of the government. Stagflation is ________. Correct B ) period of stagnant growth feature with inflation The use of government spending and taxing to influence economic activity is called _ Correct B ) fiscal A period of stagnant growth combined with inflation is known as ____________. CorrectB ) stagnan cy The basis for international trade stems from Correct B ) the differences in production costs from one country to another. The Council of Economic Advisers Correct C ) advises the president on economic developments and strategy. The three-member group that reports on economic developments and pictures strategies to the president is called the Correct A ) Council of Economic Advisers. Which is the best description of the role of the Council of Economic Advisers? Correct A ) report economic developments and propose strategies The nations monetary policy Correct A ) often comes under attack from politicians. The United States imports CorrectC ) billions of dollars in products each year. Which of the following is demonstration that international trade is beneficial? Correct C ) the fact that free nations make out to trade vThe three-member group that reports on economic developments to the president is called the Correct B ) Council of Economic Advisers. A country has a(n) ________ ___ whenever it is able to produce more of a given product than another. Correct A ) living advantage ____________ economic policies grew out of the unemployment and other problems that occurred during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Correct D ) Demand-side All of the following describe economists EXCEPT CorrectB ) economists are sharply divided into competing schools of thought with little overlap of ideas and beliefs. If a country wants to trade a product with another country, it must have a(n) ___________ in the production of that product. Correct D ) comparative advantage important can produce either 10 apples or 3 oranges. beta can produce either 12 apples or 3 oranges. Correct C ) Beta has an absolute advantage in the production of apples. Imports are Correct B ) goods and services that one country buys from other countries. The ability of a country to produce a product with greater output per unit of input is Correct A ) absolute advantage. . A country has a comparative advantage when it can